Temporo Mandibular Joint Syndrome
A tooth that aches in the morning can result from teeth grinding during sleep. Teeth clenching can usually be treated. Are you troubled by a jaw popping or jaw clicking sensation, or jaw pain when you eat? You may be suffering from a...
Subliminal Stuff: Teeth Grinding and TMJ
Sensitivity to heat and cold. Loosened teeth, fractures, and a debilitating headache. All this can occur while you sleep - from grinding your teeth. Dentistry calls it bruxism.
Talk about shell shock. Dentists see evidence of life in the...
Grinding Teeth: Do You Have A Problem With Your Bite?
Problems with the way your teeth fit together occur in many different ways. Some bite problems cause discomfort or even pain, and that pain can masquerade as problems that you would not readily associate with your teeth. Some bite problems...
Use of Laughing Gas During Sedation Dentistry Procedures
The most commonly employed technique used in conscious sedation dentistry is inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide and oxygen (N20-02) or "laughing gas". It is estimated that approximately 35% of U.S. dentists use this technique to...
Sedation Dentistry Eases Dental Fears
There are many reasons 50% of the population put dental care at the bottom of the healthcare list: Some people are downright fearful, others have suffered bad experiences in the past and now suffer from dental anxiety. Then there are those...
Sedation Dentistry and a Trained Sedation Dentist Can Change Your Life
If you are afraid to go to the dentist, relax! Sedation dentistry and a trained sedation dentist can change your life for the better with a light sedative!
You can have the beautiful smile and the good dental health you’ve always wanted...